CRPF Constable Tradesman Online Form 2023

CRPF Central-Reserve-Police-Force-CRPF-Recruitment

CRPF Constable Tradesman Online Form 2023 – Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has issued a Notification and Invites Online Applications for the Post of Constable Technical & Tradesman Recruitment 2023. Any candidate who is interested in this CRPF Constable Driver, Mochi, Motor Mechanic, Carpenter, Tailor, Band, Cook, Mali, Painter, Safai Karmchari, Dhobi, Barber Recruitment 2023 can apply online from 27 March 2023 to 02 May 2023. For more details such as pay scale, age limit, selection procedure, job information, and all other information at

CRPF Constable Technical & Tradesman Recruitment 2023

CRPF Advt No. No.R.II-8/2023-Rectt-DA-10 Short Details of Notification

The CRPF Constable & Tradesman Recruitment 2023 Online Form will be available on the official website of the CRPF. Candidates who wish to apply for the CRPF Constable Recruitment 2023 must visit the official website and fill out the online application form. The CRPF Constable 2023 Online Form will be available from the month of April 2023, and candidates must submit their application forms before the last date mentioned in the official notification.

Important Dates

Application Starts: 27/03/2023
Registration Closed: 02/05/2023 (Last date Extended)
Pay Exam Fee Last Date: 02/05/2023
Exam Date: 01-13 July 2023
Admit Card Available: 20/06/2023

Application Fee

General / OBC / EWS: 100/-
SC / ST : 0/-
All Category Female : 0/-
Pay the Examination Fee Through a Debit Card, Credit Card, or Net Banking, or Pay Offline Through E Challan.

CRPF Constable Tradesman Notification 2023 Age Limit as on 01/08/2023

Driver Post Age Limit: 21-27 Years
Other Post Age Limit: 18-23 Years
Age Relaxation Extra as per CRPF Constable Technical & Tradesman Recruitment Rules 2023.

CRPF Constable Tradesman Recruitment 2023 Vacancy Total: 9212 Post

Male: 9105 Post
Female: 107 Post

Trade NameTotal PostCRPF Constable Technical Tradesman Eligibility
Driver2372Class 10th Matric Exam with HMV Driving License
Motor Mechanic Vehicle544Class 10th Matric Exam with ITI Certificate in Related Trade.
Mochi151Class 10th Matric Exam Passed in Any Recognized Board in India.Working Knowledge of Related Trade.
Brass Band172
Pipe Band51
Cook / Water Carrier2475
Barber / Hair Dresser304
Safai Karmchari824

CRPF Constable Technical & Tradesman Vacancy 2023 Physical Eligibility

Other CategoryST OnlyOther CategoryST Only
Height170 CMS162.5 CMS157 CMS150 CMS
Chest80-85 CMS76.81 CMSNA

How to Fill out CRPF Constable Tradesman Online Application Form 2023?

The exact application process for CRPF Constable Technical & Tradesman Recruitment 2023 will be mentioned in the official notification, which is yet to be released. However, based on the previous recruitment processes, the following is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for CRPF Constable Recruitment 2023:

1: Visit the official website of CRPF or the website mentioned in the recruitment notification.

2: Look for the recruitment notification for CRPF Constable Tradesman Recruitment 2023 and click on the link.

3: Read the notification carefully and check if you meet the eligibility criteria.

4: Click on the “Apply Online” link and fill in the required details such as personal information, educational qualifications, and work experience (if any).

5: Upload your scanned photograph, signature, and other required documents such as educational certificates, age proof, and category certificate (if applicable).

6: Pay the application fee online through net banking, credit/debit card, or any other payment mode mentioned in the notification.

7: Verify all the details provided in the application form before submitting it.

8: Submit the application form and take a printout of the same for future reference.

Note: Candidates must keep their registration number and password safe as it will be required for future logins and downloading of the admit card.

Some Useful Important Links

Apply OnlineClick Here
Download Corrigendum NoticeClick Here
Download NotificationClick Here
CRPF Official WebsiteClick Here